Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Desert Plants in Bloom V SOLD

Day Eleven of the Thirty Day challenge, 9/11 and Happy Birthday to my only child!

Out on the Paseo del Bosque bike trail again, riding hard, trying to build up leg muscles in anticipation of a Christmas ski trip to Norway with my soon to be 16 year old grandson.  There was a bit of coyote scat on the trail today; must have been a coyote party in the night.  Not long ago I saw the coyote parents heading into the heavy brush adjacent to the river.  The cubs were left alone sunning in the open.

Today I had more stops than normal for photos.  I love the wide openness of these wild flowers.  Orange, really orange.

To purchase, click here.


  1. I love all your desert plant paintings, Carol. Just joined your site! Isn't this challenge fun?

  2. Carol-
    I was drawn to this painting... lovely.
    I'll keep following you during the challenge- Good luck!
    Margaret Sheldon

    1. I am thrilled you are following me on the challenge....a perfect name for a work-yourself-to-the-bone for thirty days. I want a nap already and it is only 1:10 PM.

  3. Carol I love reading your stories. This and day ten are so wonderful! Love them! WOW you trip sounds like a lot of fun! Enjoy!

    1. Stories are fun. I was a second grade teacher and I had to teach math, writing, reading, etc. when all I wanted to do with those precious little children was read TO THEM and tell stories. Sometimes I dressed in costume. Once I had to break down in real tears when we read about little children sold away from their parents in slavery.

      Stories are a great escape.


Awwwww thanks for writing to me. You know I love your messages!